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Since the tool smbstatus provided by the samba project can only run with elevated rights, and a prometheus exporter always exposes a public network endpoint, the samba_exporter package contains two services.

  • samba_exporter: The prometheus exporter service that exposes the public network endpoint for the prometheus server to collect the data running as non privileged user
  • samba_statusd: The service uses smbstatus to collect data and return it when requested running as privileged user

Both services can communicate using a named pipe owned by a common group, see diagram below.

%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%% sequenceDiagram participant samba_exporter participant request.pipe participant response.pipe participant samba_statusd samba_exporter->>request.pipe: Request status data loop samba_statusd ->> request.pipe: Check request data end samba_statusd ->> samba_statusd: Process request samba_statusd ->> response.pipe: Send response data loop samba_exporter ->> response.pipe: Wait for response end samba_exporter ->> samba_exporter: Process response